Featured in "Best iOS and Android games in February 2016" - Gameranx
"Remarkably intriguing" - "Gorgeous glowy visuals" - TouchArcade
"A stunning puzzler" - AppAdvice
"surprisingly delightful and intense" - Ron Carmel
Featured in Spiegel Online, Telegraaf and Famitsu
Featured in "Best iOS and Android games in February 2016" - Gameranx
"Игра отлично справится как с короткой поездкой в городском транспорте, так и с целым свободным вечером." - app4smart
Featured in "Best iOS and Android games in February 2016" - Gameranx
"Redoutable, intelligent, et véritablement enivrant" - KickMyGeek
Featured in "Best iOS and Android games in February 2016" - Gameranx
"Gaandeweg neemt de uitdaging steeds meer toe en wordt het best pittig" - Telegraaf
Featured in "Best iOS and Android games in February 2016" - Gameranx
"Dzisiaj słów kilka na temat Ellipsi, niepozornie wyglądającej grze, która to skradła mi weekend" - AntyApps
Featured in "Best iOS and Android games in February 2016" - Gameranx
"いまなお多くの謎が詰まった大宇宙には語り尽くせない、たくさんのロマンが詰まっている。" - ファミ通
"スワイプ操作だけで楽しめる、かつてないほどにシンプルな作りのパズルアクションだ。" - GameDeets
"Ein Erstlingswerk, das mit viel Liebe zum Detail produziert wurde" - Spiegel Online
"Sehr cooles Ding!" - Puls BR
"Ein wirklich toll gemachtes, Geschick und schnelle Reaktionen erfordendes Arcade-Spiel" - iPlayApps
"Nach einigen Leveln hat mich Ellipsis so begeistert, dass ich es gar nicht mehr aus der Hand legen möchte" - Appgefahren
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Ellipsis Noir
"It's like the best parts of Geometry Wars" - Jerry ‘Tycho’ Brahe, Penny Arcade
“Minimalism at its finest” -- “no words just action" - GameSkinny
"Gorgeous glowy visuals - remarkably intriguing" - TouchArcade
We are a small development team in Munich, consisting of Stefan Hell and Yacine Salmi. Code, design and art responsibilities are shared. Audio is handled by Filippo Beck Peccoz.
Read our full credits.
Proudly developed by Salmi GmbH in Munich, Germany. Imprint.
Theme inspired by Overflow. Our Privacy Policy.